Today, Friday the 2nd of December 2022 we passed the magic limit of 100.000 trees! 🎉 🎊🥳
We are absolutely thrilled to have reached this so significant milestone which wouldn’t have been possible without our fantastic Community, Marketers and Partners. Thanks to the community of 12k+ individuals and the fantastic individuals working at the Eden Reforestation plantation on Madagascar’s farthest western point near Cape St. Andre the world is now a little bit greener.
Although we already have set our sights on the next objective, let’s take a step back and reflect on what 100.000 trees mean.
Each tree has the capacity to absorb about 12.3 kg of CO2 per year during their 25 year life span. This means a bit over 300 kg of CO2 per tree, which is quite a lot in itself. 100.000 trees means 1.230.000 kg of CO2 per year. 30.000.000 kg of CO2 during the trees life time.
Big numbers can often be hard to grasp. Contrasting this with that an average citizen in the UK emit 7.2 tonnes of CO2 per year, it equates the emissions from about 170 people in the UK for 30 years, or the weight of 45 full grown humpback whales, who can be seen throughout its coastal waters of Madagascar.
Besides all the CO2 absorbed by the trees during their lifetime and the positive effects it has on fighting climate change, it gives a well needed refuge for animals and helps wildlife thrive in a part of the world heavily affected by deforestation. Moreover, it helps the people living there.
Before this project began, the mangrove forests found in this area were severely impacted by deforestation and forest degradation from charcoal production and wood collection for cooking, construction, and other purposes.
Planting 100.000 trees is quite a daunting task in itself. It means about 1000 work days for the team in Madagascar. This particular part of Madagascar is situated in an area with few opportunities for employment, and the positive socio-economic effects of access to reliable employment are significant. Parents who were once unable to put food on the table and pay for their children’s schooling are now able to provide good meals for their family members and send their kids to school. Microenterprises also pop up as a side effect, further improving the region’s economy. The list of positive side effects can be made long. This post is sponsored by our partners.
Every tree that get planted through the app means a positive change. For people’s lives. For meaningful and stable employment. For the local communities, that are brought back to life and thrive again. For the ecosystem. For the planet.
This is what the Tribaldata community has done to date. Imagine what can be done during 2023. Imagine what can be done if the community doubles in size, or triples!
There is so much left to be done! Let’s continue planting. Let’s go for the next 100.000 trees and beyond. Let’s keep in mind the ripple effect that restoration gives, positively changing everything that surrounds it.
Thank you so much for staying with us this far, we hope you are looking forward to reaching 200.000 trees as much as we do!