Author: Mar
Date: November 23, 2023

A Handbook for a Conscious Black Friday

How Black Friday Started

Black Friday started in the 1960s in the United States as a term for heavy traffic and shopping on the day after Thanksgiving. Retailers later adopted it to signify the beginning of the holiday shopping season. The term gained popularity nationwide, evolving into the massive sales event we know today, offering discounts and promotions to kick off the festive shopping frenzy.

Real Environmental Impact Of Black Friday

Waste Generation

Black Friday purchases are often characterized by excessive packaging, contributing to the accumulation of plastic and cardboard waste. Around 80% of Black Friday purchases, along with their packaging, are discarded with minimal or no use.

Emissions and Energy Consumption

The increased demand for products during Black Friday often leads to intensified manufacturing, transportation, and energy consumption. This contributes to higher carbon emissions, particularly through the transportation of goods from manufacturing facilities to retail stores and then to consumers. Last year's Black Friday week saw a significant increase in CO2 emissions (1.2 million tons in Europe), mainly due to the transportation of goods.

Impact On Local Business

While the environmental impact is not the only concern, the emphasis on large-scale, centralized production and distribution associated with Black Friday can disadvantage local businesses that may have more sustainable practices.

Shifting Perspectives on Consumer Choices

As we become increasingly aware of our environmental impact, many eco-conscious consumers are rethinking their participation. A noteworthy 50% of Tribaldata users have opted out of Black Friday this year and 30% are considering participation only if they can identify items they genuinely need.

A Handbook for a Conscious Black Friday

Here are some insights and tips to help you turn this Black Friday into a greener, more sustainable experience:

1. 🛒Prioritize Needs over Wants: Before clicking that tempting "buy" button, take a moment to consider whether the purchase is a genuine necessity or just a fleeting desire. Making conscientious choices is the first step toward sustainability.

2. 🌍Opt for Eco-Friendly Shipping: Choose standard shipping over express delivery. Express shipments often result in a higher environmental footprint due to individual deliveries and tight deadlines. By opting for standard shipping, you contribute to a more eco-friendly transportation process.

3. 🔄Minimize Returns: Nearly 33% of online purchases are returned, significantly increasing the carbon footprint. Prior to making a purchase, thoroughly review specifications and sizes to avoid unnecessary returns. This simple step helps reduce the environmental impact associated with return shipments.

4. 🧐Verify Discount Authenticity: Before getting swept away by Black Friday discounts, take the time to research prices in advance. This ensures that the deals you're eyeing are genuine. Don't fall for misleading offers—knowledge is your best defense against fake discounts!

5. 🌱Sustainable Online Shopping: If online shopping is your preference, try to consolidate your purchases on a single website. This reduces the ecological footprint related to transportation and packaging. It's a small effort with a big impact.

6. 🌟Explore Responsible Alternatives: If you'd rather not participate in the consumer frenzy, consider joining initiatives like Buy Nothing Day, Green Friday, or Giving Tuesday. These are fantastic ways to be socially responsible and lend a helping hand to others.

Ready to make a difference? Download the Tribaldata app now and turn Black Friday into a celebration of mindful choices and positive impact. Join the movement toward sustainable and responsible consumerism.

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First of all, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone that took part of the Tribaldata journey and contributing to a more sustainable planet. ...
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